ValleyPest – Experts in
Cockroach Control

Servicing the NSW Mid North Coast

Call Us 1300 072 407

If Cockroaches Are a Problem, Pick Up the Phone and Call Us

ValleyPest’s effective management of pest cockroaches in and around buildings relies on:

  • a comprehensive inspection/survey of the building(s)
  • a high standard of sanitation and hygiene, which will reduce the food, water and shelter that facilitate population growth
  • the application of insecticides in a manner that makes likely their contact with the target insects
  • follow—up inspections and monitoring.

Why cockroaches are considered pests:

Cockroach species that have established some type of cohabitation with humans are widely regarded as pests. While their role in the transmission of diseases to humans is usually the main concern, there are various reasons for pest status.


Cockroaches may contaminate food products, utensils and various areas With droppings, cast skins, empty egg cases, dead cockroaches and vomit marks on surfaces.

Annoyance or fear reaction

Many people are annoyed or scared by the sight of cockroaches. This may be related to their fast, unpredictable movements and perhaps very spiky legs. Many find their presence abhorrent.


Where a substantial cockroach infestation exists, an unpleasant odour may develop, owing to secretions from the mouth and cuticle.

Allergic reactions

Some people are allergic to cockroaches. Extracts of cockroaches can bring about positive skin reactions in sensitive people and may cause an asthma attack in asthmatics. The allergen may be ingested where foods are contaminated with faeces, or inhaled when dried faeces’becomes a part of house dust.


Cockroaches have been known to bite people, although such incidences are rare. In ships where the cockroach population was exceedingly high, sailors have suffered bites and gnawing of the fingernails, toenails, calloused parts and occasionally softer skin.

Disease transmission

Although cockroaches have never been irrefutably proved to have transmitted pathogenic diseases to humans, several factors point to the likelihood that they play an important role in such disease transmission:

  • Cockroaches often dwell in environments that support the growth of organisms causing diseases harmful to humans (e.g. sewers, grease traps, other sources of polluted water).
  • The same cockroaches may contact various surfaces (including food) in kitchens and food processing or handling facilities.
  • Cockroaches are known to carry, on their cuticle and in their gut and faeces, disease organisms that affect humans. Each cockroach may typically carry several million disease—type or pathogenic bacteria on and inside its body. A variety of disease organisms may be carried, including Salmonella (a genus of bacterial organisms that cause diseases, including food poisoning conditions, in humans and other animals), and other organisms causing gastroenteritis, dysentery, tuberculosis, hepatitis, typhoid fever and many other human disorders. Organisms that have been found naturally contaminating cockroaches include:

» 40 species of bacteria pathogenic to humans

» the eggs of seven species of worms parasitic to humans

» a variety of viruses potentially harmful to humans

» several pathogenic protozoa.

The health threat posed by cockroach populations that closely cohabit With humans is considered by most

to be very serious. It is likely that cockroaches are responsible for much transmission of human diseases — perhaps most commonly intestinal—type diseases (e.g. Salmonella food poisoning). This reason by itself justifies, indeed, some would say necessitates, the control of cockroaches in premises. Let’s face it, they’re guilty!

Click on the ID Chart button below to find out which cockroaches you may be dealing with.

Cockroach Treatment

Worried about cockroaches and the diseases they carry? Call Us 1300 072 407

Free Inspection

Completed so we can identify the species, conducive conditions and the level of infestation

Safe Treatments

When pesticides are required, we only use the latest, most effective and safest available

Full Report

Post service you will be advised of treatment effectiveness and expected outcomes

Easy Payment

For your convenience, we are set up to be able to receive any type of payment

Common Cockroach Species

  • The German cockroach’s egg case (ootheca) is brown and is usually less than 6–7 mm long. Nymphs are dark brown to black, with distinct dark parallel bands running the length of the pronotum (shoulders) and yellowish in the centre. Nymphs do not have wings. The adult cockroach is light tan to medium brown, 10–15 mm in length. Wings cover the entire abdomen but they do not fly; there are two dark parallel stripes on the pronotum behind the head. The German cockroach is the most common cockroach in Australia.

  • The American cockroach’s ootheca is dark brown then black and is on average about 8 mm long – wider and darker than the ootheca of the German cockroach. The adult is reddish to chocolate brown and is usually 30–40 mm long. Its wings are fully developed and extend beyond the abdomen. It has a yellow band on the pronotum. The American cockroach is the largest of the pest cockroach species. American cockroaches can coexist with German cockroaches with no negative effects on either cockroach population.

  • Australian cockroach nymphs are initially brown and wingless, with later instars becoming more like adults in shape, colouring and size. Later instars have distinct bright yellow spots along the edges of their abdomen. The adult is similar in appearance to the American cockroach but slightly smaller, 30–35 mm in length. Its wings are fully developed and extend beyond the abdomen. It has a distinctive pale yellow ring on the pronotum and a pale yellow margin on the front edges of each forewing.

  • The smoky-brown cockroach’s ootheca is dark brown to black and is on average about 10–14 mm long. The adult is a uniformly shiny, blackish-brown and measures 30–35 mm in length. Wings are fully developed and extend beyond their body; they are strong fliers. They are prone to dehydration, so the availability of a moist environment is essential for survival. They are common around Sydney.

  • The brown-banded cockroach’s ootheca is tan coloured and only about 5 mm long. The adult cockroach is light tan to medium brown, 10–15 mm in length. Wings cover the entire abdomen and there are two pale parallel stripes on the pronotum behind the head. The brown-banded cockroach mainly occurs in tropical areas of Queensland and the Northern Territory.

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